Thursday, 3 February 2011

Joseph Gordon-Levitt/Dark Knight Rises

So Joseph has been cast for Dark Knight Rises. Now surely he is a candidate to play Dick Grayson. Hear me out now before you start shouting Robin at me. Dark Knight, Batman is looking for someone to take his mantle, now in the comics, Dick Grayson was to be the new Batman. Nolan is a clever man, whats to say Dick Grayson plays the majority of the film as Dick Grayson and in the last half hour or so Nightwing is born.

I am jumping to conclusions and saying Dick Grayson, as i cant for the life of me think what character he could play in the Batman Universe (other than Riddler, but that was scrapped). Dick Grayson can work and i have complete faith in Nolan to make him an awesome character. I also have faith he can make Selina Kyle a half decent character.

1 comment:

Jay said...

Damn straight