What is the perfect date?
I had this date a couple of years ago, at the time i was actually impressed with myself and thought this is going to be brilliant. I already knew the person so the sparks where already there, i saw her pretty much everyday even if i was for only 5 minutes, then i had to go and work away for the week so i wanted to to do something nice for when i got back, so i took her out for dinner, with the help of a couple of people i managed to find out her favourate flowers, and i booked a table overlooking the harbour. All went swimmingly and the look on her face will be something i will never forget. However looking back now i think it might have been a bit to much. There is being romantic and then there is showing off.
Showing off you say hmmmm? It could have been a bit show offy, i paid for everything, managed to get an awesome table a bouquet of flowers and the owner even brought a glass of wine each, i do think its lucky i knew her coz if i didnt it could have gone all wrong. I have two girly friends would both admit its romantic but they wouldnt like the idea of me paying, hell even one of my friends had a go at me coz i held a door open for her once.
I have found dating to be really difficult, first you need to find a decent place where u can actually talk, then when you are on your date you spend the night promoting yourself, so all your little quirks you have you dont show them, and these little quirks are what makes you, you. My quirk is i play cheeky well, but its not a good first impression to someone to be cheeky.
Apparently the proper dating rules is 1st date talk, 2nd date kiss, 3rd date sex. News to me but thats official