Tuesday, 22 February 2011

To Cute!

In my life i can honestly say i have not met that many cute girls. Of course i have seen them on Tv, film but never in real life. I have seen plenty of hot girls in my life, and i have seen girls where i have looked at them and my male machismo has gone into overdrive and i have said "i would". 

Now recently i have seen two girls that have come into my shop where they are just sooooo cute, that i go all gushy. The first one is someone i work with friends, i told her she had a really cute friend and she replied with "oh god that means you fancy her", to which i replied "no i dont she is just to cute". 

The second one came in a couple of fridays ago, she brought two games, when she came up to the till i was once again kind of gushing towards her and blithering like a complete tool, those are signs of attraction which confuses things even more. She even held the games at breast level so i felt really bad when i checked her out. 

All i want to do to both of them is just give them a big squeeze and put them in my pocket for another squeeze later. With a hot girl your gonna wanna do dark dirty stuff to. So who do you go for?

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Morgan Spurlock

I tucked into a dirty Mcdonalds the other day, the first smell is delightful and the taste is good, but afterwards i cry a little from the dirtiness of whats inside my body. This then get me thinking onto good old Morgan Spurlock and his extremely shitty documentary Super Size Me.

Im not to sure what he is actually trying to achieve, he is telling us that if you eat Mcdonalds for 30 days your gonna get ill. No shit sherlock, its not just Mcdonalds that can make you ill, if you eat the same thing for 30 days surely your not getting what your body needs and its going to damage you. Lettuce is good for you perhaps i should eat nothing but that for 30 days, and see if im healthy. Probably not. Im only drinking water at the moment, and so many people have said to me dont drink to much you can flood your lungs, so water isnt even safe these days.

What annoys me most about the documentary is that Spurlock has managed to make a mint out of something we already know, so i dont understand why no one had already made this type of documentary, did respectable film/docu makers feel it was a lame ass documentary that wasnt ground breaking or good for their career?

Well done to him tho, made an easy buck.

Tuesday, 8 February 2011


What happens when you die? A question that will never be answered. So many different ideas about the whole life after death so here's my take on it.

We simply live our life over, the bright light we see when we die is the bright light we see when we are born, dying and gliding through your mums womb is a traumatic experience, the trauma wipes your memory clean, well near enough. To me this can help explain deja vu, we have been there before. I would like to think tho in the re run of our life we make different choices, the good and the bad choices need to balance but i really hope you get that chance.

The only thing i dont want to happen when you die is infinite nothingness. Dead Space.
If not can come back as Mary Elizabeth Winstead's future husband? 

Godzilla/Cloverfield Sadness

" a monster is any fictional creature, usually found in legends or horror fiction, that is somewhat hideous and may produce physical harm or mental fear by either its appearance or its actions. The word "monster" derives from Latin monstrum, an aberrant occurrence, usually biological, that was taken as a sign that something was wrong within the natural order."

I watched Godzilla yesterday and at the end of it i had a wee tear in my eye, poor Godzilla missiled down by Americans. How very American. Very much like Cloverfield which i am watching now. Now my rant is pretty much aimed at the American cinema goers. You know damn well in deep south america when Godzilla and the Cloverfield monster was killed they probably chanted USA, USA, USA. 

Cloverfield monster was essentially looking for his mother and essentially running around the city lost and confused, very much like the Americans going into war. Godzilla reacted like any other parent if their children were killed. Its a weird thing to get annoyed about i know, its the worlds attitude towards something they dont understand. Straight away it becomes a target. 

Bloody Yanks!!!!!!

Sunday, 6 February 2011


Today i payed football for the first time in three months, you never really forget how to play football, somehow i did and in the process i forgot how to run, as i tripped over my own feet and fell over and laid there like a beached whale.

As the game went on i think i every pass to the opposition, had the ball go under my foot quite a few times, and the ball go over my foot a few times.

It was shit!!!!

Growing Up

At the lunch the other day i was reminded that i am coming up to 30. Why was i reminded this? Well my friend was dunking a chocolate mint into his coffee and i thought i would tap his hand so it fell in the coffee. I amused myself and i got the reaction i was hoping for. But this is deemed as childish. And yeah it is totally childish. But where do you draw the line on being childish?  Is watching a Disney or Pixar film childish, is watching and reading  Twlight childish?

When it comes down to it be as childish as you want as long as it doesn't offend or upset the other party. There is to much seriousness in the world and there is a time and a place to be serious. I like to think when im in my 60's i will still be putting sweets in my mates drinks, and sending them messages that say "gay", tripping them up when they walk past, and anything else that will make me chuckle.

I will never change and being "childish" is me, and thats why people love me. haha!!!!

Saturday, 5 February 2011


The last couple of blogs have been very relationshippy themed, so continuing this theme i move onto love. Over the last couple of years i have become very skeptical of love, like fate i just dont beleive in it. I cant beleive in something i have never truly experienced. To be in love you have to be literally willing to die for that person, accept all their little faults and not use it against them.

I have said the word many times, did i actually mean it or was i keeping the person i was with happy? I like to think it exists, but until i experience it i am skeptical.

I wonder how many people out there think they are in love when they actually arent.
You would know when you are.


What is the perfect date?
I had this date a couple of years ago, at the time i was actually impressed with myself and thought this is going to be brilliant. I already knew the person so the sparks where already there, i saw her pretty much everyday even if i was for only 5 minutes, then i had to go and work away for the week so i wanted to to do something nice for when i got back, so i took her out for dinner, with the help of a couple of people i managed to find out her favourate flowers, and i booked a table overlooking the harbour. All went swimmingly and the look on her face will be something i will never forget. However looking back now i think it might have been a bit to much. There is being romantic and then there is showing off.

Showing off you say hmmmm? It could have been a bit show offy, i paid for everything, managed to get an awesome table a bouquet of flowers and the owner even brought a glass of wine each, i do think its lucky i knew her coz if i didnt it could have gone all wrong. I have two girly friends would both admit its romantic but they wouldnt like the idea of me paying, hell even one of my friends had a go at me coz i held a door open for her once.

I have found dating to be really difficult, first you need to find a decent place where u can actually talk, then when you are on your date you spend the night promoting yourself, so all your little quirks you have you dont show them, and these little quirks are what makes you, you. My quirk is i play cheeky well, but its not a good first impression to someone to be cheeky.

Apparently the proper dating rules is 1st date talk, 2nd date kiss, 3rd date sex. News to me but thats official


Im not to sure if im showing my age or if flirting has evolved over the last few years. Today at work me and a work chum (she is a spritly 18 year old)  were standing around waiting for customers to come in. When waiting we thought it would be fun just to kind of tickle fight, i would like to say i kicked her ass but as usual she got the better of me (she will pay evantually).

Anyways in my day (pipe and slippers) this was prime flirting at its best, you get to touch that person, you have a laugh and it ends in a cuddle. I know she wasn't flirting and i wasn't flirting its just something we do. Now its just fighting, its no longer flirting, it has evolved, so my question is how the hell do you flirt nowadays? What is considered as flirting? I have been told many times i have flirted with customers, now our female clients are usually 30/40 somethings aged woman buying games for their kids. I know there is gonna be a difference between 18 and 28, but has it ever evolved or am i actually showing my age?


i still wonder what it would have been like.

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Joseph Gordon-Levitt/Dark Knight Rises

So Joseph has been cast for Dark Knight Rises. Now surely he is a candidate to play Dick Grayson. Hear me out now before you start shouting Robin at me. Dark Knight, Batman is looking for someone to take his mantle, now in the comics, Dick Grayson was to be the new Batman. Nolan is a clever man, whats to say Dick Grayson plays the majority of the film as Dick Grayson and in the last half hour or so Nightwing is born.

I am jumping to conclusions and saying Dick Grayson, as i cant for the life of me think what character he could play in the Batman Universe (other than Riddler, but that was scrapped). Dick Grayson can work and i have complete faith in Nolan to make him an awesome character. I also have faith he can make Selina Kyle a half decent character.

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Unsalted Pistachio Nut?? WTF!!!!

Had a pistachio nut the other day, waiting for that salty goodness to hit my taste buds, when nothing, no saltyness for me. It was an unsalted Pistachio nut. COME ON!!!!!!! I thought the whole idea around a pistachio nut was that it was salty, do you know what an unsalted Pistachio nut tastes like? NOTHING!!!!!!

Royal Rumble/Randy Orton Rant

Today myself and David carried on our year tradition of watching the Royal Rumble. We usually watch Wrestlemania and then kind of forget wrestling exists until a wrestler dies. Morbid i know. This years Royal Rumble was bigger than ever, goodbye 30 men hello 40 men.

We had the obligatory championship match. Edge vs Dolph Ziggler, which in fairness wasnt  a bad match, it was clear Edge was going to win but still made a good match. Next up was WWE Championship Match The Miz vs Randy Orton. Randy Orton is one of the main reasons why i stopped watching WWE. The man has about as much Charisma as i do in my little finger. The whole Viper thing is just shit, every time he falls to the mat in a fit of rage he looks like he is having an epileptic fit. He moves his head like a snake apparently, at what point does he think he looks cool. Soon enough he wont be walking or running just slithering around the mat.

And then they decide they are going to put him on the Rumble as well, and predictably enough  he is in the final four. Both me and David were rooting for anyone but him to win it and thank god that Del Rio bloke won, which i have been told he is a good wrestler. Im still not sure why they added the extra 10 it did seem pretty pointless. I did like Booker T's return, he looked shocked when he walked to the ring, shocked when he was in the ring and shocked when he was tossed out the ring. Wasnt a bad Rumble, lets just hope The Miz is champion after WM!! 

Tuesday, 1 February 2011


I was told today that my blog shows no passion or as Kim put it aarrrrrggggggghhhhhhhhhhh. I cant type the funny face she made but she looked, well shall we say special. So i challenge Kim to a blog off. I guess its like a rap off, is that what they are called? Rap battle, thats the one. So bring it on Fimble. GGGGGAAAAAAAAAADDDDDDDDDDDDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!
Oh yeah thanks for help on the jeans today.